viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008
Momentario: Dedos
El Viernes día 7 de Noviembre nos juntaremos unos cuantos amigos en Bilbao en La fiesta de las migas . Muriel, Vane, Castelló, Sangorrín, Tobio y un servidor cenaremos unas migas e intentaremos hacer algún que otro dibujo. Una excusa como otra cualquiera para reunirnos.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
El Jueves pasado estuve por la noche en Shunt, una especie de club-galería-teatro en el sur de Londres. Una de las actividades que se estaba llevando a cabo era la creación de muñecos a partir de telas y calcetines. Éste es el resultado de todo ello. Os presento a Jimbo.
Para los interesados, el nombre se debe al protagonista de Jim Botón y Lucas el maquinista, de Michael Ende. Uno de mis libros preferidos que leí de pequeño y del que aún guardo un grato recuerdo. Nada mejor para echar a volar la imaginación.
martes, 7 de octubre de 2008
Masons and detectives
Our friend Ivan is visiting us these days. He is a very hyperactive guy as you can see in the photo.

Yesterday we went to the center of London for a walk. We wanted to visit Sir John Soane's house, but when we got there we realized that they are closed on Mondays, we both had already seen it before so it wasn't such a shame. Ivan knew about a masonic center near there so we walked a little bit more till we reached it, Freemason's Hall.
You're only aloud to visit the first floor, where the library is placed. Once you are there your mind starts to imagine all kind of weird theories about the masons. Are they controlling the world in the shadows? Who knows, but their parties, as seen in many films, seem to be very interesting.
We were going to leave when we saw a sheet of paper stack on the wall. It said that some scenes of the future Sherlock Holmes' film by Guy Ritchie were going to be filmed there.

We went there, not knowing if they would let us see anything. Everyone was working placing the set. I don't they if they thought we were part of the crew but we got there and took some photos. We didn't saw any of the actors, but they were going to shot the scenes that same afternoon.
After that we continued our walk visiting The Bank of England and learning a little bit about inflation.
In the Soho we entered a strange place called Black Graminea. It was a mix of bar and art gallery. We sat there for a while because we were tired of walking so much.
We finished our walk going to Hyde Park and visiting the Serpentine gallery.
Yesterday we went to the center of London for a walk. We wanted to visit Sir John Soane's house, but when we got there we realized that they are closed on Mondays, we both had already seen it before so it wasn't such a shame. Ivan knew about a masonic center near there so we walked a little bit more till we reached it, Freemason's Hall.
You're only aloud to visit the first floor, where the library is placed. Once you are there your mind starts to imagine all kind of weird theories about the masons. Are they controlling the world in the shadows? Who knows, but their parties, as seen in many films, seem to be very interesting.
We were going to leave when we saw a sheet of paper stack on the wall. It said that some scenes of the future Sherlock Holmes' film by Guy Ritchie were going to be filmed there.
We went there, not knowing if they would let us see anything. Everyone was working placing the set. I don't they if they thought we were part of the crew but we got there and took some photos. We didn't saw any of the actors, but they were going to shot the scenes that same afternoon.
After that we continued our walk visiting The Bank of England and learning a little bit about inflation.
In the Soho we entered a strange place called Black Graminea. It was a mix of bar and art gallery. We sat there for a while because we were tired of walking so much.
We finished our walk going to Hyde Park and visiting the Serpentine gallery.
domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008
Eroe: Primeros storyboards
Estoy estos días con un cómic que se me ocurrió desde hace tiempo. Al principio iba a ser una historia corta, pero se ha ido agrandando poco a poco.
Aquí van los esquemas de las primeras páginas (aún no tengo scanner, por lo que la calidad de las imágenes no es muy buena).
Aquí van los esquemas de las primeras páginas (aún no tengo scanner, por lo que la calidad de las imágenes no es muy buena).
Tai Chi: Armonia y equilibrio en la ciudad

Hace un par de meses se pusieron en contacto conmigo desde Alhóndiga Bilbao para la realización de unas ilustraciones relacionadas con el Tai Chi. Resultó que había quedado como Primer finalista vasco para la beca AlhóndigaBilbao de cómic a la que me presenté allá por Abril, así que me encargaron las ilustraciones para unas actividades que se han dado lugar este fin de semana en Bilbao:
Tai Chi: Armonía y equilibrio en la ciudad
Vanesa y Muriel han tenido la amabilidad de pasarse por ahí para sacar unas fotos. Muchas gracias.
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